Friday, 21 May 2010

review of first year.

I enjoyed my first year on the communication design course.
I feel that i was given plenty of opportunity to explore my own creativity and was provided with plenty of support and tuition in furthering my abilities.
I do feel, however, that I held myself down, on occasion, earlier on in the year. I don't feel i ever truly did any work to my full potential - creating flaws of laziness and, to a degree, satisfaction with mediocrity. I let myself down on this but have worked to improve myself.

In regards to the "Drawing For Visual Communication" module;
I enjoyed this module, probably, the most. I found the projects interesting and challenging; pushing me to not only explore new ways of drawing but also new ways of thinking about drawing. Advice provided by the tutors was invaluable to my progress and i am excited about continuing to work on everything i have learned through this module.
I particularly enjoyed the over-heard brief as this gave us the opportunity to briefly explore elements of typography and page layout (a module i'm gutted to have missed out on). I feel I let myself down on the other projects - concerning the Hybrid brief, looking back i feel this project was a massive learning curve and the final images produced was a result speak for this. With the Colour-story I don't feel I challenged myself or provided a large enough body of work; A large body of work I have done in the past has largely been worked in black and white so choosing "grey" as my subject colour didn't really provide me with the challenge of learning how to use colour.

In regards to the "Conceptual Design" module;
My largest flaw in this module was the fact that I don't like group work. I do feel however, that I have taken a lot away from this module; it has definitely taught me how to compromise as part of a creative team and work structurally with others to provide a flow of work.
Concerning the briefs, I feel for the large part that they were clear in what end products was required at the briefs conclusion, but the process towards the end products was confusing and un-organised; i reckon this is mostly down to our groups poor ability to organise ourselves properly.
I look forward to being able to carry on improving my abilities to function creatively in a team, as creative team work is something almost entirely new to me.
I enjoyed the research aspects for this brief, the live briefs and the history-rich pearly kings & queens brief gave plenty of opportunity to learn about things i had never considered or been exposed to.

In regards to the "Introduction To Digital Design" module;
Again, another invaluable module. I cannot express how much i learnt in this module, enthusiastic teaching staff and great briefs that still made room for creativity whilst acting as almost "instructional" guides to using these Adobe software.
I definitely enjoyed the second terms brief more, as it was more clear as to what work was expected of us. I found workshops such as the Adobe Illustrator pen tool exercise or the Added Value Adobe InDesign sessions exceptionally useful, as they provided a "step-by-step" method to learning how to use these aspect of digital design but continued to encourage creativity and individuality in the work.

In regards to the "Contextual Studies" module;
My experience of this module this year is that it felt disjointed to the other modules, which all conincided and ran together smoothley.
I enjoyed the first term lectures, providing knowledge and understanding that would have been easy to miss out on. I spent a large part of the second part of the module slightly confused, as the brief was nearly an open brief, with the exception of a few guidelines. I still think I have learnt things from the second half, though i don't believe i pushed myself to the required limits.

In regards to the "Creativity & End User Design" module;
An enjoyable module, I feel this played a significant part on providing context and the opportunity to really understand the other briefs, particularly relating to the Conceptual Design module.

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